It's all about Baby Hatch!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A big BOY breakfast.

Jackson has learned to feed himself with a spoon or fork (still messy). So for breakfast I made him oatmeal with bananas (on the right) and he did not go for that so then he got a 1/2 cup of Life cereal and soy milk (bowl on left). He was not crazy about either choice then as we sat there longer he would take a spoon of the oatmeal and dip it into the milk bowl and then eat it. So now we make the oatmeal with milk. It is a slow process he likes to do every bite himself and they are not big bites at all. But it was cute to see him eat like a big boy!
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  • AND !!! He is so CUTE when
    he finishes his meal by
    standing in the middle
    of the table !!!

    By Blogger BamaNana, at 5:08 PM  

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